Cavity wall insulation is a reliable and proven system for reducing the heat loss through walls, a system which has been tried and tested over many years. All modern systems are approved for all areas of the UK, including severe exposure zones.
However on occasion it can go wrong. Driving rain subjects walls to large amounts of water under pressure, some of which can penetrate through the outer leaf and into the cavity. This is not in itself unusual; it is common knowledge that cavities are not dry at all times. However, where the building is not properly maintained, prolonged exposure can overwhelm the insulation and result in damp penetration to the inside of the dwelling.
Unfortunately, when severe water ingress has occurred, common types of mineral wool insulation can become permanently damaged and removal is the only effective solution
Over time on rare occasions, if subjected to excessive amounts of water from building defects, mineral wool and bead cavity wall insulation can be overwhelmed. This results in wet material acting as a bridge across the cavity, rendering the material completely ineffective as an insulator.
In some cases, damp penetration getting through to the inside of the dwelling can occur and the only solution is removal.
The damaged cavity wall insulation is removed using a tried and trusted method, with full boroscope inspections to check that all has been removed.
Compressed air is forced into one part of the wall and an industrial vacuum machine extracts the defective insulation from the bottom of the wall.
The original drilling pattern can be used if it is evident. All waste material is bagged during the extraction and no waste materials are left behind.